Chances are, when you use the proper negotiation technique, you are more likely to get a discount. Buying a car is unlike bargaining for a better price at the wet market. The following points might save you some ka-ching!
1) | Start negotiating from the very start. Try to get a discount from the first time you enquiry about the car. If the seller/dealer asks for S$55,000, ask if the best price can be S$53,000. |
2) | Negotiate on the total price. Dealers always like to add in some “hidden costs” on top of the asking price. Ask for a total price inclusive of all “hidden costs” and use it during your negotiation. |
3) | Make a lower offer. If they are asking for S$55,000, offer S$52,000. If the salesperson believes you are sincere about buying the car, he will reduce the price. You might get the car for around S$52,800 if you are lucky. |
4) | Nothing works better than a little competition. Let’s say you have two cars on your list that you are interested in. Make sure both sellers/dealers are aware of your options. Better still, tell them you will buy the car from whoever offers you a better price. For example, if one of the them offers you a S$1000 discount, call the other seller/dealer and ask if he can match it. |
Don’t put yourself on the chopping board. It is important to learn the technique of negotiations. |
These four steps should be taken into consideration when asking for a lower price.
Negotiation is an art. It takes determination, patience, and should include some ‘silent’ time – a pause, to allow the seller/dealer to think about the amount he wants to sell the car for.
You may find yourself in a more favourable predicament if you take the risk to negotiate, especially if you use our four tips in tandem. However, if the seller/dealer is set on his original price, you may have to back off. Perhaps, you may want to approach him a week later. Do note that the car will not always be there though. Another buyer might beat you to it. Hence, if you have set your eyes on a particular car, get it before it is too late